
Passing function into pug template
Passing function into pug template

It compiles to HTML and has a simplified syntax, which can make you more productive and your code more readable. Pug is a template engine for Node and for the browser.

passing function into pug template

This can be a nightmare to debug and to maintain. HTML is also static, which means that if you want to display dynamic data (fetched from an API, for example), you invariably end up with a mishmash of HTML stings inside JavaScript. This is where the Pug HTML preprocessor comes in. And while this is not the most difficult task, it can often feel a little boring or repetitive. This tells express that we are using pug as our template engine.As web designers or developers, we likely all have to write our fair share of HTML. I’ve already included the pug package in our project dependencies so we can go ahead and use it in express.Īdd the following code to your server.js file below the app variable. I’ll be using Pug here because I’m comfortable with the syntax but you can do the tutorial in another templating engine if you wish. Pug, Mustache, and EJS are some of the most popular ones. There are several template engines you can use with Express. We can author the HTML files by hand and specify what file to send to the browser once a GET request hits a route, but it’s almost always better to use a template engine to generate HTML files on the fly.Ī template engine allows you to define templates for your application and replace the variables in the template with actual values at runtime while transforming the template to an actual HTML file which is then sent to the client. Instead of just sending text to the browser when someone hits a route, we can send some HTML as most websites do. Now the web server will be restarted automatically everytime you make a change. You can view the version of Node and npm you have installed by running the following commands in your terminal:Īpp. The versions I used while building this project are as follows: You can search the web for instructions on how to install Node.js and npm for your preferred platform or visit the Node.js website ( npm comes with Node). Before you continue though, you need to have Node.js and npm installed. If you know JavaScript but you have never done any server-side programming before, this tutorial for you.

passing function into pug template

I believe this tutorial will be particularly helpful if you already have some experience with JavaScript on the frontend. I decided to write this introductory tutorial for anyone who is interested in learning Node after realising that it’s not so easy to read the documentation and figure out how to go about building stuff with Node.

passing function into pug template

Recently, I decided to learn Node.js properly and do some server-side programming as well. Updated on JanuHow to Build Your First Node.js Website with Express and Pugįor most of my career as a Web Developer, I worked on the frontend of websites and applications consuming APIs made by other people.

Passing function into pug template